Turnkey Apple and Pear Solutions
weighing and bagging or bagging directly off sizer
4HM Solutions offers apple and pear pouch bagging solutions for the food processing industry. Our machines are designed to increase efficiency and reduce labor costs.
Contact the 4HM team for viewing and case study.

a new facility in the future?
contact us for a no-cost, customized efficiency and capability report.
Fast, Gentle Pear Bagging Solution
Turnkey Pear Packing Solution will bag 11 Pears Per Minute. (true production numbers) Small Footprint, dual magazine loading, and low CAPEX. This bagger can be put in line, stand-alone, or be fed off any industry sizing machine. Capable of bagging any fruits that require gentle handling.
Automated Paper Trays
4HM now offers an end-to-end, fully-automated packaging solution that is capable of 100% Paper Trays, providing a more sustainable approach. This complete system, with its small footprint, can be integrated with any weighing or sorting system, and offers quick Return on Investment.
Pre-Sorter for Citrus
Pre-Sort Citrus Fruits Faster & Easily with the S90 Pre-Sorter/4HM
Take your citrus repacking to greater heights with the S90 Pre-Sorter/4HM. Reduce labor costs, improve the consumer experience, and satisfy your importers with real-time defect reports.
Imagine a 7-foot inspection table capable of detecting external, internal, and color before sending it to retail.
Small footprint, low Capex, and unparalleled technical support make this pre-sorter a game changer in the citrus packing arena.
most versatile check weighing offerings in the industry
Inline, or stand-alone, check weighing is one of 4HM core business offerings. Quick ROI, detailed packing reports, and simple use are just a few of the features that make 4HM check weighing systems a must in your packing process.

trays | turnkey solution
Experience does not solve problems on its own, but it helps. Coupled with our technical know-how, we can develop customer-specific solutions, enabling our customers to work efficiently.
People take center stage, whether as an employee or as a customer. Personal communication helps to understand needs faster, and flexibility in finding a solution helps achieve faster success.
Our offer is based on three pillars: planning, development, production, and set-up of innovative packaging solutions, the supply of perfectly matched packaging material, and competent after-sales service.